Parenting Older Adolescents and Young Adults

Parenting adult children. One of the most challenging yet least discussed—life transitions. As a parent, navigating toddler tantrums, picky eating, puberty and teen emotions were not smooth sailing. That said, resources, support and guidance are relatively accessible for those stages. Suddenly, as your child approaches and passes age 18, there is remarkably less guidance for […]
Parenting Pre-Teens

The tween years (or pre-teens) involve a series of rapid changes for children. Suddenly, they are no longer the playful but mischievously angelic beings who adored siblings and parents. The onset of puberty, increased desire for independence from parents and engagement with social media transform them into unrecognizable beings. Welcome to adolescence. In the wider […]
Parenting Teens with Different Abilities

Parenting an adolescent is an admixture of delight, adventure and frustration. Changing moods, oscillating goals and the ongoing pursuit of independence. The mixed messages are perplexing and but can even more challenging when raising teenagers of differing developmental or physical needs. Although the term “disability” has been more traditionally used to classify a large and […]
The Principles of Gentle Parenting

Parenting is both an art and a science. Modern parenting evolves alongside the changing culture of the day. Currently there are numerous classifications, categories and descriptions of the “ideal” parenting approach, to best nurture children and young people into fully functioning and happy adults. While there is no one style that perfectly applies to everyone, […]
Teen Nutrition: Making Choices towards a better future

The road to good health in adulthood is paved with the decisions made during the teenage years. As teen girls and boys continue to grow, their daily nutrients and eating habits require management, in other to keep them happy and healthy. During the transition from the childhood to the teen years, nutritional needs increase due […]
Parenting: Handling The Teen Phase

Parenting a teenager is fulfilling, rewarding and yet challenging. The eyes of your child once stared lovingly at you, now roll in annoyance or refuse to even look in your direction. There are sudden changes in their interests and a need for secrecy in an online world to which you do not belong. I want to […]
Early Adolescence

The Tween Years, ages 11-14 is heralded by abrupt and rapid changes due to puberty. Very aware of their changing bodies, early adolescents often become “body obsessed”, and constantly look at and try to perfect themselves. There is experimentation with style and personal expression. Tremendous amounts of time spent tweaking and adjusting. For some tweens, […]