Step-Parenting and Blended Families

Family structures vary widely in our society. Although not often labelled as such, a “blended family” refers to the creation of a new family unit, when two divorced/separated/single parents unite bringing with them their children. We recognize that blended family units can adopt many forms of living patterns, as children will often spend time with […]
Body Dysmorphic Disorder in Teens

Body Dysmorphic Disorder is a common condition, although many young people remain undiagnosed. It occurs in approximately 2% in young people worldwide, and left untreated can be extremely disruptive and damaging to the life of a teen. With proper treatment, however, young people can live a completely normal life of productivity. The first step in […]
Dealing with Difficult Teens

A frustrating and even exasperating situation unfolds when a parent receives the “silent treatment” from their teen. Feelings are amplified, when these changes are sudden and seem to arise from nowhere. Things are even more complex for parents, when they previously enjoyed a close and communicative relationship with the young person. Adolescence is a time […]
Developing Grit in Teens

Grit encompasses a combination of perseverance and passion toward a long-term, meaningful goal. By its very nature, grit involves working hard and to completion, despite setbacks and challenges. In addition to requiring a deep sense of commitment, demonstrating grit means the ability to do hard and uncomfortable things. This ability may come more naturally to […]
Be Honest with your Teens

The quality of a teen’s relationship with their parents contributes to overall development and sets the tone for their future lives. A significant part of nurturing this bond is parent-teen communication. By starting early and keeping it often, parents encourage young people to be open and honest. Additionally, parents are themselves required to be honest […]
Make room for mistakes

One of the major tasks of adolescent development is self-discovery. The process of solidifying one’s identity and then relating that to family, peers and wider society. Adolescence involves consolidating unique strengths, while recognizing potential limitations and learning ways to overcome them. With all these lessons to be learned, there will be many processes of trial […]
Helicopter Parenting

It is completely natural for parents to do everything in their power to keep their children and teens, safe, healthy and thriving. Children rely on caregivers for guidance and understanding of their abilities and emotions. They need parents who are sensitive to their needs, who recognize when they are capable of managing situations and who […]
Parenting a Grieving Teen

Loss and grief are unifying experiences of humanity. At some point, we will all face the death of someone we love; or loss of a significant relationship, opportunity or commodity which permanently changes our lives. The global pandemic has added to our collective grief. For adolescents, grief can be particularly painful and overwhelming. They are […]
Parenting Middle Adolescents: 14-17 year old teens

Middle adolescence is considered to be the period between the ages of 14 and 16 years. At this stage puberty is largely completed but for many changes are ongoing. Many middle adolescents look “adult” in physical form and have accompanying feelings of omnipotence and invincibility. As teenagers continue to struggle for independence and autonomy, many […]
Pre-Teens and Puberty: Common Concerns

Adolescence marks a time of great changes in physical development. It is the time when young people question the changes in their bodies, wonder if they are “normal” and often compare themselves to their friends or images seen on social media. While the majority of tweens and teens will proceed through puberty normally, some will […]